Thursday, July 17, 2008
Okay, so maybe this post isn't as ominous as it might sound. Today I decided to go down to a blood drive I'd seen posted around town earlier in the week and spare a pint of O+ for some poor soul who may need a top off. I used to give blood on a regular basis whenever the Red Cross had a drive going on, but it's been a while. I hate being poked with that dang needle, but it's such a small effort for such a critical resource. As I left I remembered that I used to make the extra effort to do nice things for people all the time and it felt great, fund-raising events, volunteering for meals-on-wheels, walk-a-thons, so much stuff that I haven't even considered in years. I guess over time I've gotten jaded and self-involved. I kept turning more and more inward and all but shut myself out of the world around me, and to tell the truth, it's made me miserable. So, with that in mind I've decided to create a new community website (link), one than anyone can join in and post on. Everyday I am going to make a conscious effort to do a "good deed" outside of what I would have already done incidentally and post it daily. I'm hoping this will keep me on track and motivated (the world can be so distracting, you know?) as well as encourage others to jump on and do the same. Just like working out, it's much easier if you have a partner. It doesn't have to be big -maybe drop fifty cents in a donation jar or let somebody who has two items in front of your fifty item trasaction at the supermarket, but a little goes a long way.
Soon after I take this hot pink gauze off of my arm from the blood-letting, I will be off to the Arclight theater in Hollywood for a midnight screening of The Dark Knight (woo-hoo!). I bought my tickets a few weeks back when there were two midnight showings and that has now turned into THIRTEEN sold-out midnight showings at the Arclight...THIRTEEN! Which means that all but one screen in the building will be playing The Dark Knight. But it's not being left out of the midnight movie mayhem -oh, no. That particular screen has been set aside for a Hollywood thrill ride of epic proportions...Mama Mia. How will a Batman movie this anticipated be able to compete with a box office draw like that? Good luck, Mr. Wayne...good luck.
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